Paneer is a fresh cheese that brings the cooling properties of dairy and the creaminess of cheese to your plate in a balanced way. Some people who have issues digesting aged cheese find that they can digest paneer when it’s eaten warm or at room temperature.
Plus, it’s very simple to make at home – I promise.
All you need is whole milk , salt and citrus and you’ve got cheese in less time than it takes to go to a shop.
Serves 4
Preparation time: 60 minutes
You can make the paneer ahead and store it until you’re ready to use it.
You’ll need
4 cups of organic whole milk, raw and/or non-homogenized if possible
(Our Liberty dairy unhomogenised is perfect and what I use for my fresh ricotta and Paneer cheese.)
Juice of 3-4 limes or 2-3 lemons (lime juice is more cooling and lemon is more warming) or 1/3 rd of a cup of apple cider vinegar.
4 tsp of pink rock salt
Here’s how
Bring milk to a boil very slowly – don’t rush it; the process should take at least 15 minutes, but could take longer depending on how much you’re making.
When milk has just come to a slow boil let it rumbles for 20 seconds and then remove from heat.
Add your lime or lemon juice a little at a time until the milk begins to curdle into large chunks of curd and thinner, yellow whey. Or Apple cider vinegar.
Add salt
The general rule is to add citrus to about 15% of the milk, but let your senses guide you.
As soon as you start to see the curdling, stop stirring and let it rest.
Let the mixture sit undisturbed for 15 minutes before you pour through a muslin cloth straining the curds from the whey.
For a drier cheese, press the cheese as you strain it.
If you like, you can shape the paneer for easier slicing by pressing it into a glass storage container in its cloth and put a weight on top.
Leave for 30/40 minutes to firm up before crumbling, cutting into cubes or slices.
Chill until you’re ready to eat it.
Best eaten fresh and easier to digest but can refrigerate up to a week.

A great way to use up milk rather than waste it and wonderful as a meat replacement in meals.
I hope you enjoy your cheese making as much as I do and eating fresh is far kinder on your digestive system especially as we go into spring. Dairy can become difficult as we move forward into another season so keep it fresh and light and enjoy mid day to keep the bugs at bay !
Always Lensomy
Lucinda xxx
The Lensomy lifestylist